Remote Reservoir Level Monitoring

Remote Reservoir Level Monitoring

Published On: October 13th, 2023
remote reservoir level monitoring

Business Challenge

Beyond the common task of monitoring weather conditions to predict rainfall levels, there’s an additional critical aspect—remote monitoring of reservoir water levels. Neglecting this issue could lead to catastrophic flooding, which could devastate farmlands and disrupt living conditions. Governments have recognized the importance of this responsibility and have deployed numerous reservoir-level monitoring systems in remote areas to address this pressing challenge.

Technical Requirements

To meet this challenge, the project calls for a nuanced set of technical specifications:

  • The router must be equipped with encryption capabilities specifically tailored for this application.
  • Given the typically poor cellular coverage in remote reservoir areas, the router must excel in receiving weak signals. The availability of dual SIM slots is highly desirable to maximize connectivity.
  • It must maintain a continuous cellular connection.
  • The router should demonstrate exceptional durability in the face of strong humidity, and extreme temperature fluctuations.


Orxcel introduces O100, the optimal solution for this unique application, known for its comprehensive industrial advantages that have increasingly shone in similar deployments. In a seamless integration, all digital water level indicators connect to the O100 via RS485, with data seamlessly relayed to the central monitoring center via cutting-edge cellular technologies.

Plus the system features an integrated IP camera, allowing real-time observation of water level changes from the remote monitoring center. Powered by a state-of-the-art solar energy system, its wide power input range simplifies deployment. The SI has expressed immense satisfaction with the router’s outstanding performance, leading to its standardization across all its systems.

This innovative solution not only addresses the immediate need for reservoir water level monitoring but also sets new standards for efficiency and reliability in remote monitoring applications, ensuring safer and more resilient living conditions.